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Friday, July 12, 2013

It's Friday! Favorite Pins Friday, that is! WOO HOO!

Today is the linky that I have been waiting for! It’s the Favorite Pins Friday link up over at Cara’s blog The First Grade Parade! I’m excited about this, because this summer about 99.9% of my life has been spent on Pinterest getting ready for the upcoming school year! Wait- who am I kidding, that’s my life no matter what time of year it is :) haha! So the rules are you pin all throughout the week (check!) and then you share your favorites. Easy peasy! The only rule is that you must link back to the original person who pinned, not Pinterest! :) Got it, now lets go! (Remember to click the pictures to head to the links!)

#1- Classroom Organization/Decorating

 Ok- this is such a cute and inspiring reading center! I have already ordered the paper lanterns and I cannot WAIT to get it set up!

 This is absolutely the cutest organizational idea I have seen for a desk! I need to find some cute owl paper to wrap the box with. I’m going to need because I have a serious pen addiction!

This is so perfect for handing back papers- instead of the mess laying all over the desks, a file for each students holds all important info! LOVE! I will definitely be implementing it this year!

#2- Lesson Planning

Master copy binder- if I didn’t learn anything else from my final internship, I definitely learned that organizing your master copies makes teaching so much easier and more efficient. I love this idea to organize them by type and color-coding :) I think if I start this form the get-go it will be a breeze!

I absolutely love this lesson planner! We do all of ours online and we are switching to a new and foreign system, so I really wanted a way to plan ahead and have a hard copy JUST in case something were to happen! I love this idea because I can move the sticky notes around if something were to happen and I can rearrange where necessary! I hope that I love this plan as much in action as I do on Pinterest! Anybody try this yet? What do you think?

#3- Deliciousness

S’mores Bars?!?... Nuff’ said :)

These look dangerous- like, dangerous enough to eat every last one off of the plate :) I hope that I get the chance to make them ASAP… Although, I don’t believe these are included in my diet plan ;)

#4- Favorite Home Décor Ideas

I saw this gorgeous clock last night and just fell in love! It is so simple to do and I cannot wait to try it out! I will have to make a post about it ;)

I love everything about this beautiful room- from the colors on the walls to the charming canvas on the wall! This is exactly what I dream of doing in our house, I hope that I can make that happen one day soon!

Well, I could probably go on forever but that wouldn’t really leave much for next Friday! I loved going through my pins and sharing these with you all! Some of them are ones you have probably seen a million times, but I hope I shared a few that you haven’t seen! I can’t wait to check out all of the other blogs and their pins! Remember to just keep Pinning! ;) haha!

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  1. I use Planbook online ( It's well worth the $12 that I spent. If I don't get to something, I can just bump it to the next day. It also has a drop down for state standards or common core. I've always typed my plans, but I started this in January and will continue it. You can also share your plans if you need to send it to Admin. Cute pins!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. Alison,
      Thank you! That is definitely a wonderful tip! I'm excited to check out that website! I love that I can send it to my admin!! :)

  2. Lindsay,
    Hey! That's MY library! Oh my word, I'm blushing!!! A fellow blogger led me to your pin board. I'm so glad you were inspired by my classroom. Happily following you on bloglovin'
    Short and Sassy Teacher

    1. Oh Erin,
      Truth be told- I saw your classroom library and I just wanted to steal/borrow every idea! Its just so perfect and everything that I want to do!! :) I'm so glad you were able to find my blog and are following me! Love it!

      Thanks so much for your awesome inspiration!!! :)
