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Monday, August 4, 2014

Adventures in Healthy Lifestyles and Accountability

**Just a warning- this post is one that has been on my mind for a week now. Should I post, should I not post? I decided that since many of you may be struggling with the same thing I am- it would be too beneficial to skip. If you don't want to read about fitness/health and how it affects my life- then you might want to skip this one!

As a teacher, how many times have you said, "I just don't have time for that?" Yeah... Me too! One of my most guilty moments of saying this is when it comes to being healthy or working out. I am the WORST at being a self motivator and getting it done. However, as I jumped onto the scale about 3 weeks ago and realized I was officially the heaviest I've ever been, I knew it needed to change stat. I could not let this terrible excuse weigh (no pun intended!) me down anymore!

There is only one person that can be held accountable for your health, and that is yourself. With the family history of disease and weight problems in both my husbands and my families, I knew it was now or never. We chose NOW!

Well, in walks an amazing church friend (I swear we were sisters in another life) and she asks me if I am interested in joining an accountability and motivational group that she is hosting on Facebook. She said they were also integrating the book, Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst. This was the third time she had asked me about being in one of these groups and I always had an excuse. I figured that God obviously was directing me towards her and that this group was not only going to help me physically but also spiritually. So after discussing it with my husband (he is also at his heaviest and used to be a workout fanatic!), we decided to join not only the accountability group but also join as a Beachbody Coach (co-team, if you will). We knew that being held accountable for our health is important and we want to pass this on to others.

Working out at mom's house this weekend!

Just in the past week, we changed our eating habits and went to the gym 3-4 times throughout the week while we waited on the AWESOME 21 Day Fix and Shakeology challenge pack to arrive. I immediately noticed a difference in my mental awareness and physically how I felt. I also lost 5 pounds! Instant gratification can be nice sometimes! Now, this was just with one week of not eating crap. It's absolutely ridiculous to think about what we put in our bodies. We are given these perfect shells and we stuff them with processed food, sugar, and soda. No wonder I slept all summer and didn't get anything accomplished! As a matter of fact, I have gotten more accomplished in the past week than I have all summer. HA!

Long story short, today was our first day of our challenge group and 21 Day Fix plan. I feel amazing and have not been hungry at all today (you eat a TON of good-for-you food throughout this eating plan). I am super excited about the benefits that I am giving my body and the fact that I am learning how to eat correctly for the absolute first time in my life! This is true, I honestly had no idea what an actual portion was until last night when I was meal prepping. Holy cow.. I'm not sure how many calories I was eating before, but I know it was an absolute ridiculous amount more than I was suppose to (of bad food!). Now, am I saying I won't ever eat chocolate cake again?! Absolutely not, but the fact is that I don't CRAVE it like I did before! I have learned from this amazing book and my new eating plan the importance of food for our bodies AND minds. It is ok to enjoy these things once in awhile, just not everyday (times two) like I was doing to myself!

One of my meals today- best tuna salad I've ever had, and NO mayo! Say what?!

Post-workout Selfie- No shame in sweating! ;)
I hope that this posts gives those of you in the same position I was in the confidence to take the next step. Whether it is walking around the block each night, eating less processed food, or even joining our challenge group that starts soon! I want you all to know it can be done!

Grocery shopping- we definitely spent less than we normally do and got 2-3 times the amount of food! 
This stuff rocks my socks... It is delicious and there are a TON of ways to enjoy it!
If you want more information on this program or any of the other ones we offer, please feel free to contact me! From coaching to accountability, we can help you reach your goals too!

P.S.- Don't forget about the amazing TpT sale going on NOW! It's today and tomorrow only and my store is 28% off when you use the code BTS2014! Yippee! Find my store here~~> Just Keep Teaching :)

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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sweet Summertime! and a GIVEAWAY! {6.11.14}

Hello Blogland!!!

Wait, can you hear that!? Yeah, me either... Because it's summertime and that means peace and quiet!! For me at least...

Well, I have some very exciting and amazing stuff going on over here in my life!

First things first, I sort of have an obsession with searching for the perfect planner. I mean, you pretty much use it for your life and as a teacher, you really need a good one, right? Well, I made my own at the beginning of this school year and it lasted about 2 months before I realized I missed some very important and awesome details... So then I went to online lesson planning- hated it... Finally, I decided to do something that I had been dreaming about and wanting since the beginning of the school year... I bought myself an Erin Condren planner (thank you Jamberry commission!) and I could not be more excited! When it arrived- it was seriously like Christmas! The box was gorgeous, the packaging inside was magnificent, and then the planner ::le'sigh:: IT.IS.AMAZING!!! If you have not bought yourself one... umm, don't do what I did! Just DO it! You will not regret it! I have full intentions of purchasing the brand spanking new Life Planner that comes out tomorrow :) Here is my referral link if you want one, plus you get $10 off your purchase. BOOM! Insert happy dance here ______ !
Click this link to save $10! ~~> Referral Link!

Want to see what you are in for? Look at her glory!

Wondering about the giveaway?... is the suspense killing you??!! Don't worry... it's coming- I promise! But first, it is Wednesday... and you know what that means!! No, no, no... I already know it's HUMP DAYYY... but I've decided to link up with Covered in Glittered and Glue for her What I'm Loving Wednesday linky party! I love summer because I can actually do this every week! So here we go!

1. My EC teacher planner! I can't wait for the new Life Planner to come out at midnight tonight! WOOHOO!

2. I have a new addiction to the show Orange is the New Black- it's super strange and crazy... I really like the unpredictability of it! (Just a warning- it is NOT ok for kids!)

3. My new gardening adventure! I have been wanted to get back into my garden so bad, so I planted some seeds! I am SO excited! I have two types of tomatoes, yellow squash, zucchini, pumpkins, and watermelon! :)

4. My newest Jamicure- its fun, funky, and so perfect for summer!

5. These Toms.... I absolutely, positively, NEED them for my collection... Everyone has a collection right? Mine = TOMS!!

6. My new app I discovered on my NEW and awesome Samsung Galaxy S5! I left the iPhone world and I LOVE it!!! the app is called Photofy and it rocks! Look at my pup, isn't he sweet?!

7. Summer Thunderstorms (the kind without tornadoes, hail, and heart-palpitation giving lightning strikes)

8. I absolutely love Trader Joe's anyways.... So this Florida girl was singing the good graces when I walked in to find these gorgeous Peonies displayed!!! I bought some and again my gardening brain began to think about all the ways I could try to grow them here in zone 9.... when they grow in zones 2-8 >:o( .. FUDGE!
Mother nature... you may have won the battle, but I will win the war!!!! ;)

Ok, ok- You've waited long enough!!! The giveaway is pretty awesome and my fabulous sister, Mistie, over at Just Call Me Sparkles is hosting it and asked me to co-host! YIPPEE!!! The stuff is pretty awesome :) The wonderful peeps over at Green Jazz Face Banners have so generously provided and amazing customized banner! (Can I enter this giveaway?!) Seriously though, I may favorited every stinking banner in their store! Also, my sister is giving away a sheet of Jamberry nails. Hello! Jamberry = cutest nails on the block!! AND I have also decided I wanted to pitch in and am giving away a $10 gift certificate to my store on TpT! WHAT WHAT!?! You know you teachers are drooling over there! Not a teacher? Enter anyways and if you win, give the gift certificate to your son/daughters teacher and watch the celebration ensue! ;) Now go on, enter that giveaway!!! 

Until next time! Good luck!

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Friday, May 2, 2014

May Currently {5.2.14}

Hello everyone! Are you still there?! I cannot believe this school year is coming to a close!! HOLY MOLY!! What a whirlwind experience for a first year teacher... I never dreamed that it would be this time consuming and stressful, yet truly amazing! But here I stand, and I can say I survived my first year! Yippee! For my soon-to-be teacher friends, hold on tight and keep the faith- everything always works out in the end! :)

So, onto the important topic of life- it's time for the amazing and wonderful Farley's May Currently! Is is a joyous occasion, and I always enjoy reading other teachers- but they get even more funny at this time of year! Ha! Is month is so incredibly busy for me- my birthday is Monday (Cinco de Mayo), we just got done state testing, grades are due for midterms, teacher appreciation week, last minute field trips, and the ever increasing list of IEPs to attend 😫 I guess that is just how being a teacher works! But, I wanted to takes. Minute and blog becauseI haven't in awhile and ice been meaning to... I hope to do lots of blogging in the summer time!

Here is my currently-

So let's discuss-

Listening- it has been raining all day here and most of last night... It really makes trying to be productive difficult!

Loving- my husband surprised me and is taking me to Disney this weekend for my birthday! We have annual passes and it is seriously my favorite place. He also made reservations at the Be Our Guest restuarant there!!! I am beyond excited and cannot wait to experience that!

Thinking- I cannot believe my first year is almost over! I started reflecting on how it went and I know that I will change so much next year, but I have grown tremendously in my teaching from August until now! I am blown away! I was also reappointed by my principal yesterday, so that was super exciting news! No pink slip here!! 😊👏 

Wanting- I wish he could just come home now so we could go! I miss my family a lot and we get o drive down tonight so they can watch our dogs tomorrow while we are at Disney! Yippee!!!

Needing- yeah... Jamberry is definitely the priority here.... Packing shmacking... 😁

Surprise- Lacey over at Fabulous Life of an ElementaryTeacher is such a sweet friend and we both are Jamberry consultants. Her TPT store is absolutely fantastic and her resources ROCK! They are fun, engaging, and my kiddos absolutely love them! I hope that you will take a moment and go on over to browse her store and stop by her blog! ❤️

Thanks for stopping by everyone and I hope to see your currently as well!!! 


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tried it Tuesday! Homework Choice Boards {2.11.14}

Hello to all of my wonderful followers! I hope that my sporadic posts don't startle you- but whoever said this was going to be easy was lying!... Oh wait! That never happened! :) Your first year of teaching is insane-crazy-awesome-blowyourmindoff-overwhleming... Oh I could go on! I am linking up with the amazing Holly over at Fourth Grade Flipper for her weekly Tried it Tuesday linky party!

However, I am so glad to have got a moment to sit down and write this blog post! In my classroom, we have been struggling with getting our homework done and/or turning it in completed. I could not figure out why because they received the homework packet on Monday, and then it was due the following Monday. So, they had an entire week to complete it! It wasn't that much either. I decided to make a big change and release a little bit of my control and to drift into homework choice boards. Now, don't get me wrong- I do choice boards in EVERY other subject in my classroom! I absolutely LOVE them and the challenge and differentiation it presents for my students. But, homework? I thought for sure they would complete the easiest ones every time and call it a day. So, I knew I needed to devise a plan so they couldn't!

I sat down and started to develop my choice boards and make it so that they would have to choose one of each of the choices throughout the week. This took some serious thought and patience as I worked and reworked the boards to meet my needs.

All I can say is WOW! These Homework Choice Boards have saved my sanity. I would literally just get so frustrated when my students turned in incomplete homework or not at all after a week, I thought I was going to lose it! In walks the wonderful choice boards ::cue beautiful music:: and now my students are being challenged at home, but in a fun way! They get to choose which "tic-tac-toe" they get to complete :) It makes me happy, it makes them happy- it is a win-win situation! I have uploaded a picture of one of my homework choice boards (I have one for reading and one for math) for you to see and you can also download it {FREE} from my TpT store since you are all so awesome! WOO! This product will only be free for the rest of this week- so be sure to scoop it up! :)

I hope that it helps another teacher out as much as it did me! :) Don't forget to leave feedback so I know what to keep or what to improve upon!

Once again, thanks everyone for checking out my blog and I hope that you are having a fabulous week so far!

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Independent Jamberry Consultant and 3rd Grade Magnet Teacher
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