Besides this month being a complete whirlwind for me- I have embarked on a new adventure! :) Thanks to Christi Fultz over at Ms. Fultz's Corner, I now have a new addiction... JAMBERRY NAILS! Have you guys heard about these awesome little time/money savers?! I'm not quite sure what I ever did without them!
Here is how this adventure began- I saw a picture on Instagram of her (Christi's) FABULOUS chevron nails and was like "OMG! How did she do that?!" I immediately contacted her and she said "Oh, those are my Jamberry nails!" Ok- did I miss the memo?! Did I get left in the dust? What are "Jamberry Nails"?? So, being the
Crazy right?!
This next picture was taken after two and a half weeks and 2 re-paintings of my other nails
Jamberry nail still in perfect condition, the others... not so much! I was blown away!!
So, now I was really hooked! Especially considering that this company was started by three sisters that were tired of paying ridiculous amounts of money for gel nails that were tearing up their nail beds. I was in that same boat! My nails are STILL recovering from my acrylics from nearly a year ago... That is not something I want to do again! With the price point being incredibly low for these at $15 a sheet which does 2-3 mani's and 2 pedi's depending on your nail bed size AND they last from 2-3 weeks on your hands and 4-5 weeks on your toes! (I've heard even longer from some people!)... I knew that this was an easy way to get in with a phenomenal and successful company! As a teacher- we lack spare time and I always messed my nails up EVERY time I painted them no matter HOW long I let them dry. It was infuriating because I spent so much time painting them! It just made sense for me to sell them as well, so I signed up as a consultant!
My first full-hand "Jamicure" isn't it gorgeous?! That Diamond Dust Sparkle and Black and White Chevron just completely go together! Love it!!
This has seriously been the best thing I have done in such a long time! The extra money, the AMAZING nails, and awesome friendships I have formed already has been fantastic! I cannot believe I was able to get involved with a growing company like this! I feel so incredibly lucky!
So thanks Christi! :)
Here is my NYE "Jamicure" in Midnight Celebration and Diamond Dust Sparkle! LOVE THIS! It's my favorite so far!
If you are interested in joining my team, I would love to email you some information! Just leave your email below! Or, if you have been eyeing my Instagram account @justkeepteaching and want to sign up- here's the link:
The benefits are INCREDIBLE in January for hostesses- so if you want to host an online party, it is super fun and you get to do it from the comfort of your couch :) Here's the link to request a party, or leave your email for more info:
Finally, if you want to try them out here is the link for the shop:
Thanks everyone for all of your awesome support and enjoy the rest of your winter break my fellow teachers! :)

Please check out It is a teacher exchange program in which you meet teachers and send packages. Please feel free to sign up and pass our name along!
Thanks for the invite! i missed this most recent one :( I will DEF sign up for the next one!! I am excited :)